"So who is it?"

"A friend."

"A special friend?" There was a teasing quality to the feminine voice.

"Aah...something like that."

"Well," the voice smiled, "your father and I have no problem with it."

"Arigatou, Okaasan."


From Here On, Together
by sailorstarsun



One of the distinct advantages of being a rising star in the pro tennis world was that one didn't have to live anywhere in particular to do it. You can train just as hard in one place as any other. So when Atobe Keigo's boyfriend decided to attend college at what had to be the farthest possible law school from Tokyo, it wasn't too hard to make the decision to follow. Wasn't like he had anything else to do.

Besides, Tezuka had been good to him; he deserved the continued bliss of Atobe's presence.

But it wasn't like they were living together, and Tezuka's school was strict with how late visitors could stay at the dorms. Combine that with how much time the student devoted to his studies, plus his seat as president of Student Council, and you get a couple that didn't really get to spend a whole lot of time together.

So it was a more than pleasant surprise for Atobe when he saw his workaholic lover waiting for him at his practice court's gate. A dazzling grin flashed across his face as he strolled up. "Couldn't wait to see me, could you?"

The other raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you here, Tezuka?" The grin softened to a gentler smile. "I thought you had a meeting."

"I dismissed it early."

Having gathered his things into his bag, Atobe exited the courts and began the walk to his apartment. Tezuka fell easily into step beside him. It was comforting.

"It's not very like you," Atobe commented offhandedly. "Neglecting your duties."

"I had more pressing matters."

A fine eyebrow was raised. "Oh? Like what?" As if he had to ask. Was it wrong for him to assume it was, of course, none other than himself? But Tezuka was here after all.

The momentary silence wasn't nearly as disturbing as the following "I have to talk to you." It was a line most couples hated to hear.

Atobe was used to such seriousness. It just wouldn't be the same old Tezuka Kunimitsu without it. He simply cocked his head and looked at the man beside him. "About?"

"I'm going home for Christmas vacation."

He turned his gaze back to the street. "Oh." Though they hadn't made any plans, Atobe somehow had the idea they would spend the two-week break together. Tezuka could stay over at his place, they'd drink eggnog and exchange gifts, then make love by the warm fireplace.

Ok...so he'd made a few plans.... But just because his family wasn't close enough to do any more than send each other gift certificates once a year didn't mean it was the same for...anyone else.

Still, it was against the rules of Atobe to show any sort of disappointment or...weakness. "That's great. A wonderful way to spend the holidays." He gave a typical grin. "So do I get my present before you leave, or must I wait until your return?"

Tezuka stopped their steps and turned to face his lover. "Atobe..." He paused a moment, then put a hand on the other's shoulder, letting it slide down a bit to squeeze his upper arm before continuing. "I want you to come with me."

For once, the Diva was speechless. This meant something, didn't it? That he wanted him there, wanted him to meet his family? Didn't it mean Tezuka wanted him as a more permanent fixture in his life?

Another squeeze at his arm brought Atobe out of his reverie, and he returned the gesture. They stood there, each with a hand on the other's arm, and he gave an uncharacteristically soft smile.

"I would be honored."


Atobe had the pleasure of watching his gorgeous boyfriend for a good five minutes before the subject of his scrutiny acknowledged the stare.

"I thought you were sleeping." Tezuka didn't even bother looking down at the head that had been in his lap since the train started moving.

"I was."

"You've been staring at me for the past five minutes."

"I thought you were reading."

"I was."

Atobe chuckled. Fifteen-all.

He sighed and closed his eyes again, drowsy but not yet ready to go back to sleep. "Na, Tezuka."


"What should I call you when we get there?"

Now Tezuka marked off his page and set the book aside. His hand idly found its way into his lover's silky hair and buried itself there. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I can't very well call you 'Tezuka.' I'll be in a household full of 'Tezuka'." He looked up at the other young man.

A rare smile appeared, soft and quiet. "Then I guess you'll just have to call me 'Kunimitsu'."

Atobe grinned. "How about 'Kuni-chan'?"


"'Mitsu-baby'?" He chuckled.


"Aah." He didn't know why - it wasn't a big deal, right? - but somehow it meant a lot to him. He closed his eyes again. "And you'll call me 'Keigo'."

Then he drifted back off to sleep.


The family resemblance was unmistakable in the sophisticated-looking woman who came to greet the two men when they entered the large home. Before she even got the "okaeri, Kunimitsu" out, Atobe correctly guessed her as Tezuka's mother.

Tezuka bowed to her in greeting, then took a step back and gestured to his companion. "Okaasan, this is my friend, Atobe Keigo."

"Oh?" There was...shock?...graced across her features. "Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you , Atobe-kun."

"The pleasure is all mine." Atobe bowed lower than was probably necessary. "Thank you for allowing me to spend the holiday with your family."

"Not at all. It's good to have you."

Atobe couldn't quite tell what he would call the look she was giving him, but something was beginning to feel like she wasn't exactly taken with his charm. Then there was the way her smile didn't quite move like something that was real; it just kid of sat there, lifeless, like a statue.


Her son's voice brought her face back to life. "Oh, I'm sorry." The smile widened a bit, but stayed just as far away from her eyes. "I was just expecting someone...a little different."


Atobe was taken slightly aback, but didn't say anything. The last thing he wanted to do was offend anyone, if his presence was already causing trouble.

"What do you mean, Okaasan?" There was something accusing in Tezuka's voice, but not enough to be disrespectful.

She waved a hand as if to brush the subject away. "Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking you'd bring...I don't know...a girl maybe. But it was my mistake for assuming." Her smile was so...pleasant, her eyes closed. "Silly me." She turned and gestured for them to follow. "Come, your father and grandfather are waiting."

Atobe started to move, but stopped upon realizing Tezuka hadn't budged.


The older woman turned around and looked at her son with a raised eyebrow. "What is it, Kunimitsu?"

"I need for you to understand.." He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. "I want you to understand, exactly how much Atobe..." He paused, looking over at his lover. "How much Keigo means to me."

"Well...of course." She played dumb, prolonging what she felt was coming. "It's good to have an important friend."

"He's more than a friend, Okaasan." He had never been more serious in his life. Never held so much tension in his voice. This meant too much to him. This truth, this admission, was the hardest thing he'd ever done. "So very much more."

Standing beside him, Atobe's eyes grew wide. This much...was more than he'd ever heard too. A revelation to him as well.

That was what made it hardest of all.

"I love him, Okaasan."

"Tezuka!?" Atobe spoke at last, but the taller man simply took his hand and looked at him through lowered eyelashes, giving a nod. The amateur athlete covered their clasped hands with his other hand, and smiled up at Tezuka...then closed his eyes as it turned into a smirk.

Yeah...he'd known all along. ....Really....

"You boys realize you're choosing a difficult path?"

They both turned to the regal woman and nodded.

"We're prepared to confront those challenges." Tezuka's voice was determined, and proud.

"Together," Atobe added.

She gave a nod and a real smile, deciding she liked this boy. "Then the next thing you must do will be hardest of all." Collectively, the three looked at the door leading to the room where the heads of the Tezuka family waited, ready to greet their son. "After that, everything else will be at least a little bit easier."

A grin crossed Atobe's lips, and he decided he liked this woman.

Their grip on each other's hand tightened, and together the two young men stepped forward to face their life..





Kyaaa! So cheesy!! .>_< I actually had planned only one or two scenes of this, and had to build the rest of the story around those. Through the midst of minor writer's-block and depression....

Go ahead...tell me how much it sucks.... .~_~ At least I can now rip these pages out of my notebook and make room for-! ....more crap. .-_-