A Chibi Tale
by sailorstarsun

Once upon a time there was a handsome chibi named Tezuka. He was beautiful and strong and all the other chibis loved him, despite the fact that he was also rather cold, hardly ever showing much expression.

One particular chibi, named Fuji, saw with his superhuman perception the deep passion that was inside of Tezuka, and took it upon himself to make the handsome chibi his own. He declared across the lands that he was the one who belonged next to Tezuka, and sat himself in his claimed place. Few complained, for they feared his inhuman powers and ability to summon raving fangirls. The weaker-minded folk even found themselves under his spell, supporting his claim without reason or question.

He was truly one to be feared.

But from a not-so-distant land hailed another chibi. A shining and brilliantly flawless chibi...or so at least he thought. The chibi known as Atobe was quite arrogant, but none could deny that he had the beauty and skills to back up any claim he made. He was a leader among chibis, and not to be taken lightly. Nor would he ever settle for anyone who wasn't as strong as he was. So when the fateful day came that he met Tezuka, he knew he was the chibi for him. No other could compare.

If only it weren't for that Fuji.

Atobe was not scared. He would face this challenge. And he called upon the ferocious chibi Kabaji! A monstrous chibi who was almost not chibi, always at Atobe's beck and call, for he respected him so much.

Kabaji snatched up the evil Fuji, who's weak body was no match for the much larger chibi, and tossed him into The Pit of Yuuta.

(Legend has it, however, that Fuji was able to tame the beast Yuuta, and often times wondrous, Fujicestual sounds could be heard from The Pit)

With the seductress out of the way, Atobe took his rightful place beside the handsome chibi Tezuka, and the land was filled with their beauty. And though Tezuka still didn't show much expression, Atobe knew everything he needed to know when one chibi hand curled around his.


And they lived smexily ever after.